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August 2, 2021

In a new episode of CodeTogether by Intel, an interview series exploring the possibilities of cross-architecture development with those at the forefront, Teodora Szasz was invited to talk about her work at the Research Computing Center (RCC) related to Scientific Visualization. Together with Donna Nemshick, the performance validation lead in Intel’s advanced rendering and visualization group, they unveil the fascinating world of visualizing big data to get insights into the different aspects of the world.

You can listen to the interview on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher.

Scientific visualization (SciVis) is providing new insights into health care and many other research areas in ways that we couldn’t imagine a decade ago. It’s an evolving field where extracting visualizations from very large data sets can improve analysis, diagnosis, and patient outcomes while reducing costs – or even uncover hidden discrimination. 

Hear from Teodora and Donna Nemshick of Intel on how SciVis can be transformative in areas such as understanding a billion simulated cells for tumors, creating the Covid-19 model, pioneering medical care, and even studying images in children’s books for gender inequality.

Learn more about how the pandemic impacted the work in the Visualization Laboratory of RCC and the amazing Visualization Wall (a large 25 X 9 feet screen capable of rendering 38 Megapixel resolution, connected to Midway supercomputer) that the RCC makes available to researchers to visualize their large datasets (e.g., the billion cells data).

During the past year, Teodora focused her research on medical imaging for cancer and COVID-19 research and on measuring representation in children’s books. Teodora provides more insights into these projects. In this podcast, she describes some of the new HPC environments provided by the RCC (Midway3, GPUs, and Skyway), as well as the state-of-the-art technologies the RCC makes available: in-situ visualization (visualization that happens as the simulation is running) and Intel opeAPI Rendering Toolkit.

Teodora sees the future of visualization heading towards “real-time visualization and being able to get immersive experiences” and Donna is “thinking big, big, big, and big. I'm thinking of big data, data getting even bigger, big compute power on HPC clusters, big storage capability, factoring in the powerful [Intel®] Optane™ Memory that can drop right into your machines and expand your memory footprint into the terabytes.”