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Midway2 will be the most powerful computer dedicated to UChicago researchers.

The new cluster has more than 400 compute nodes, for a total of 11,200 cores.

Midway2 is equipped with NVIDIA Tesla K80 graphical processing units (GPUs).

With 2.78 petabytes of raw storage, Midway2 could store the entire text of the collection of the Library of Congress almost 300 times over.

Midway2 uses a high-speed, low latency EDR Infiniband network to connect all system building blocks.

Its switches have 60% more bandwidth than the switches on Midway1.

Midway2 is housed inside the University of Chicago's data center.

Midway2 will use energy more efficiently than Midway1, consuming 34% less power per floating point operation than its predecessor.

Midway2 is the newest high-performance computing platform at the Univseristy of Chicago.

Specifications of Midway2


  • Login nodes: 2
  • CPU nodes: 394
  • GPU nodes: 6
  • Total CPU cores: 402 * 2 * 14 = 11256
  • Total Memory: (256 GB *2) + (64 GB * 388) + (512 GB * 6) + (128 GB * 6) = 29184 GB
  • Total GPU cards:  12 x Nvidia K80 = 24 x Nvidia GK210GL
  • HPL performance: 396 Tflops
  • Operating system: Scientific Linux 7.2
  • Scheduler: SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management)

2 login nodes:

  • CPU: 2 * Intel E5-2680 v4  2.40 GHz
  • Memory:  256 GB TruDDR4  2.4 GHz
  • Interconnect:  InfiniBand EDR 100 Gb/s

185 FDR nodes:

  • CPU: 2 * Intel E5-2680 v4  2.40 GHz
  • Memory:  64 GB TruDDR4  2.4 GHz
  • Interconnect:  InfiniBand FDR 56 Gb/s

185 EDR nodes:

  • CPU: 2 * Intel E5-2680 v4  2.40 GHz
  • Memory:  64 GB TruDDR4  2.4 GHz
  • Interconnect:  InfiniBand EDR 100 Gb/s

18 loosely coupled nodes

  • CPU: 2 * Intel E5-2680 v4  2.40GHz
  • Memory: 64 GB TruDDR4  2.4GHz
  • Interconnect: 1G Ethernet

6 Big Memory nodes: 

  • CPU: 2 * Intel E5-2680 v4  2.40 GHz 
  • Memory: 512 GB TruDDR4  2.4 GHz
  • Interconnect: InfiniBand FDR 56 Gb/s

6 GPU nodes:

  • CPU: 2 * Intel E5-2680 v4  2.40 GHz
  • Memory: 128 GB TruDDR4  2.4 GHz
  • Interconnect: InfiniBand FDR 56 Gb/s
  • GPU: 2 * Nvidia K80 = 4 * Nvidia GK210GL


  • Lenovo GSS26
  • 200 GB SSD: 2
  • 8 TB HD: 348
  • Raw: 2784 TB
  • Usable: about 2120 TB
  • Peak performance: 20 GB/s
  • InfiniBand EDR interconnect 

Using Midway2

Users will still use their UChicago CNetID to access Midway2 and will be able to run jobs on either Midway1 or Midway2. Most software packages on Midway1 will also be available on Midway2 starting November 8. Additional software will be available in the future.

Learning more about Midway2

A workshop on November 9 will help users get to know the new cluster and learn how to make the best use of it for their work, and RCC’s computational scientists will stand ready to help users optimize their code for use on the new machine.